Saturday, July 20, 2019

Quanzhou Sightseeing

Quanzhou is a very colorful city for China, hope you like the diverse pics.

graffiti is normally illegal, but this one is huge!

黄香瓜 - yellow fragrant melon

These adults were having a blast on this bicycle thing for children that goes around in circles and never moves

At my friend's studio.
One of his friends is an antique collector, and let me hold a two thousand year old stone turtle figure, worth more than $1 million USD, forgot to take a picture! haha

Guan Yin

Shiva Lingam. I think. These lingams can be found all over Asia and are said to be the most ancient stone figures of worship. It's supposed to resemble what you may think it does...

Nrshinghadeva - Half Man Half Lion avatar of Vishnu. Very surprised to find this anywhere in China.


Traditional and modern; juxtaposed.

Shao Lin Buddhist Kung Fu temple
First time seeing one of these anywhere.

Strange foods! No idea what these are.

The man on the horse on the mountain. In China.

Islamic Tombs.
Also maybe some Christian artifacts around here. Quanzhou was probably the busiest city in the world at some times.