Sunday, December 30, 2018

China 4

Many more pictures from happenings in China
Happy (Gregorian) New Year!

Let's hope Mom and Dad's arms don't get tired...

Field Trip
Looks like another kindergarten had the same idea!

Me on stage, before teaching some demo classes at the mall

Bhakti Yogis

Dr. Sharma from Hong Kong breaking down the basic elements of our bodies and the universe.

This city has just one university, my kindergarten set up one of these tents to get us some interns.

Wandering around Wuyi mountain, clean air, beautiful weather always.

They spelled Boston right!
Normally when I see English words on Chinese clothes there are horrendous grammar errors.

 One of the few times I am impressed by good parenting and had to record it. The boy is playing with a mini-fishing toy. This elicits concentration, skill building and joy. Most importantly, there is no electricity/LCD screen!

Once again, performing some English activities with my students at the mall.

I am the master baker!

Wuyi mountain, again!

Looks like a bird

These are small models of famous mountains in China

Merry Christmas!
Check out this video on my Instagram;

That's the school principal on the right; not an easy or relaxing day for her I think!

Fuzhou station; the first place in China where/when I've been stranded. Train tickets sold out, no buses available, had to stay the night. I took this picture thinking, wow, look at how huge this station is, and yet, the population is still so much more huge. Not the end of the world, but definitely a hassle I don't want to relive.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

China 3

China so Chinese

I was briefly dancing with them! And much less gracefully!

Chinese babies/kids are so cute, that even after being surrounded by them all day, I want to take a picture of them at night also.
Plus those red decorations were cool.

Vegetarian buffet my boss introduced to me. Hooray! A little far from home, but at least I have a place where I can get vegetarian food and not worry about communication barriers.

In China, child jump into net because child think it fun.
Adult think it fun for different reason...muwahahaha

Worst food slogan ever.
Or maybe best slogan for modern food ever?
At least I will always have job security as an English teacher!

From the haunted house.
It was pitch black, so the flash on my camera works really well! One of my 6 year old students was with me, she was VERY scared, and I was a little myself when I got separated from the group, not gonna lie!

Obligatory picture of a dragon sculpture in China

Giving ZouYiYi her English name could not have been easier, she already has one, Zoe, just gotta change the pronunciation a tiny bit

Mongolian Milk Wine

This picture really sums up China today;
Ancient statues of unimaginable meaning, used as clothes lines and a climbing spot for children.

Tea in Wuyi Mountain;
This tea is of the highest quality; initial brew time is ONE SECOND. Seriously, you just pour hot water over the tea, and immediately pour it into the tea cup and it is completely flavorful, much like fine wine.

Co-teachers at Tongxin kindergarten 😁😄😃

Single serving drip coffee, never seen this before.


This picture demanded my attention and reflection.
I never thought I'd be anywhere in mainland China and see skies like this on a regular basis. Not to mention with such a great job where I can really notice all the good work I'm doing. But it's still not enough. Laziness/apathy rules too much of my life.

WenChangGe school.
Translation; Culture-Chang-Ge school. haha.

#prettychoose #choose #choice