Sunday, October 27, 2019


This page now has a permanent home on my website here;

This is my first published book,
now available for free! Until 2/15/2020

This link below is from the publisher I used.
On this page you can click on the icons
for Apple iTunes, Google Play and Kobo (Sony)

This text is quite different from most other books out there, so I'll write a short guide for the average person who wants to benefit from Ethos, especially if you're not used to reading ancient texts.

1) Read the introduction, and then Chapter 1.
2) Go to the table of contents, and just study the table of contents itself, for a little while.
3) If you see something in the table of contents that seems relevant or practical to something in your life, you can click on the chapter and start reading from that chapter directly.
4) I recommend going to the table of contents frequently, and just jumping around different sections; that way we won't feel discouraged, as the text can be quite dense. Reading 5 or 10 minutes per day is enough to start. Eventually you won't need to read it at all, and even then, you'll find pleasure coming back to the Ethos. This is why I wrote/published it!

This text is essentially a/the secular bible on ethics, but ethos means character, so it's all about developing character, virtue, cultivating relationships, etc. and in that way, attain complete happiness. Or at least, as close as we can get to complete happiness in a universal and/or secular context.

My audio/video lecture series on Ethos:
Ethos Audio Lecture Podcast
Ethos Video Lecture Playlist
YouTube Channel Homepage

#EthosGrowing #LogosRising
Yours Truly in Service,
Alexander Campanella

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Hong Kong, 2nd Time

Second time in Hong Kong, had a blast!
Really cheap hotel rates because of the protests.
Also one of my favorite temples I've been to, in perfect location.

My new phone camera isn't good!

Terrifying, and also amusing...
Looks like Hong Kong is just as dumb as mainland China.
It's a PLANT...these people have completely lost their intelligence...

Laughter Yoga (didn't like it)

Gelato sandwich haha

This temple doubles as an impressive museum of ancient Indian artifacts.

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Baltic Summer Festival and Final Lithuania Pics

Another beautiful lake in Lithuania, shared with great company. Plan to return again next year!

That's a gira in my hand, MORE flavorful than beer, and completely non-alcoholic.

This is the only Jewish thing I've seen in Lithuania, and also I saw some young boys playing "havah negila" on the walking street.

Coolest grave ever!

This Christ deity was in an alleyway! No signs anywhere. Only in Europe is there so much Christianity you can stumble into an alleyway and see art at this level of quality with no tourists or signs.

Harinam. 2nd one for me.