Monday, September 7, 2020

Hong Kong Corona-Holiday

Fate brought me to Hong Kong for 2 months. Here's all tbe pictures I took, starting from ground zero corona zombie world - Shanghai Airport

Not so fun hanging out for 6 hours here waiting for my test result, negative ofcourse!

Truly disgusting sandwich they give us for free to show how generous they are

This supercar is extremely rare and expensive, tons of these in Hong Kong. Saw this on my first chance at fresh air; taxi ride to hotel from HK airport quarantine area.

Best skyline in the world, seen from ground level.

Best friends take me to the beach!

Don't care where Bruce is from; will always be one of my all time favorite human beings 😀

This is the view from the second floor of the bus, front seat. Gorgeous view, feels like flying a bit.

Rainbow village
many apartment complexes like this in Hong Kong are famous for how cute they look. Can see one of these in a Transformers movie.

Unbelievable they'd waste the time to close down a public space like this over a flu with 96% survival rate...

At the farm doing some service. CRAZY hot out.

Look at the quotation marks - "COVID-19"
Is that a wink, or bad translation?

Lion's rock hike at night

Bright full moon to protect my journey back to Boston, departing at 2am

Giapponese - Japanese style Italian ice cream

My Hong Kong-local friend Dave, who I met in Thailand randomly years ago

Made in Japan

Gindaco - the only restaurant in the world I've been to that makes Japanese food better than what I had in Japan.

Portable Japanese butt cleaner - there IS a God!

My first lab-grown meat burger. Really impressed tbh.

Dragon's Back trail - best pictures of Hong Kong and surrounding islands

Agnes B - French Authentic

Fried Milk - and other nice treats from this modern Dim Sum place

my new portable bidet! Made in Japan ALWAYS

Dave told me later this was a Michelin 1 star meal. So I've probably had tons of Michelin star meals without realizing it. Local wonton.