Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Goodbye China?

3 Full Years I've spent in China.
I'm leaving now mostly out of necessity, but I still feel deep affinity for the culture. Something tells me I'll be dragged back here in the future, in a good way!

My first sermon, "Universal Ancient Wisdom for the Modern Era"

Technically this was a fasting day, because no grains or beans! But it was a major feast!

Serendipity day before leaving. She was new to the city and looking to meet other vegetarians! Also an English teacher.

This boat style bridge construction method was top quality in the world in its time, Marco Polo days.

1200cc BMW spotted at the Shao Lin Monastery :)

Had to take a picture of this. Most people, even Chinese, won't notice the tragedy here. The ball under the lion's paw should show the Flower Of Life (Google it) instead, this modern made-in-China fake version uses the same geometry but doesn't show the full pattern, probably to cut down on costs. For me, it's disgusting.

This has been my lunch every day for months.
"Curry Pasta" maybe is a good name

Durian Pizza!

This was in early February, no one on the streets cuz of the Rona, so peaceful!

Thanks for cooking for me Juliet!

These old dirty men hacked the toy box and filled it with smokes!

Legendary man. He's responsible for the apartment construction and design style for nearly all of China. Based on NY city buildings in the '80s. I always wondered why Chinese cities all reminded me of New York...

Only in China! (Of course, the gun is fake)

Chinese DMV basically