Saturday, February 10, 2018

Bangalore Leftovers

I found some extra pictures from Bangalore, here they are.
I'm in a weird spot now...I enjoy practicing spiritual austerities in a holy town in the SAME EXACT degree as I like gettin drunk n high with my Bangalore bros...hopefully I can do both forever, like George Harrison #sonofHari

Life-size Snakes and Ladders for the kids living in the apartment complex

I found this apartment complex very lavish, I loved walking around and looking at the buildings, especially how clean this little area is compared to every other area in Bangalore!

"It's like Mexico City from Narcos on Netflix" - Visakh

For a week or so I had three different keys to three different apartments!
My host moved apartments, so I had the key to the old one, the new one, and our friend Vijay gave me a key to his place so I could teach classes there during the daytime -- Thanks bro!

Lil festival in the complex
My favorite part is seeing all the children dancing on stage, they don't seem shy at all!
At the end of the night the stage was full and the amphitheater was empty! The crowd just joined right in, I've never seen that before I think, but I have met some Arabic people and they also love to dance; are not shy at all in that realm.

Last picture in Bangalore with Vijay

35(ish) hour train ride
Bangalore > Kolkata
Every time I'd go to the toilet, there would be exactly one Indian man standing here, a different one each time, in the same kind of deep trance staring out into the landscape.
Of course at one point that was me too.

The bro in the green shirt snuck in a selfie with me, so I snuck in a selfie with him! Can't hide from me bro! 
This was a local train from Koklata to Mayapur
VERY crowded
So, luckily, a couple young local guys really helped me out.
First, they helped me pay the right price for the guy who helped me carry my luggage,
Then, they helped me get a seat - in this picture I'm actually sitting on top of everyone else where the luggage should be!
But, that's the only spot available - if I wasn't there I'd be standing for four straight hours!
Thanks again my Indian bros! 

When Visakh, my Airbnb host was moving to a new apartment, I had a lot of free time with no internet so I picked up his hardcover copy of the Bhagavad Gita and found these paintings I'd never seen before. Make sure to read the text too!

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